The industry never gave us our flowers, he wrote. He feels the group has not received proper recognition for all of its accomplishments. Enjoyment of this monotony requires a low standard for loverman R R&B, unless it is approached as comedy. Pretty Ricky’s Spectacular Smith took to Instagram to air out his grievances with the music industry on Saturday. Pretty Ricky originally consisted of four brothers: Corey 'Slickem' Mathis, Diamond 'Baby Blue' Smith, 'Spectacular' Blue Smith, and Marcus 'Pleasure P' Cooper who is the groups only singer since the rest of them take roles as rappers. Even when disregarding the words, the songs don't leave much of an impression - they're functional without much in the way of memorable features. Pretty Ricky is an American R&B/hip hop group originated from Miami, Florida. The twins' tribute to their late father's popular music include his chart-topping famous hits such as 'Travelin' Man,' 'Hello Mary Lou,' 'Poor Little Fool,' 'I'm Walking' and 'Garden.
The press bio describes the group as "borderline raunchy," but who knows where that line exists when "There's a stripper pole in my bedroom, and it's calling for you" is the album's warmest sweet nothing? "Leave that p*ssy purple like Barney" and "Slice you like Freddy Krueger, don't need no Kama Sutra" are much more representative. Pretty Ricky is an American R&B/hip hop group originating from Miami, Florida.The group originally consisted of brothers Diamond Blue (Baby Blue) Smith and Spectacular Smith, plus Corey (Slick Em) Mathis and Marcus Cooper.Pleasure P was the groups main singer while the other three members performed as rappers.

As narrow-minded as ever, the group's lyrics are split between conveying what they are going to do to their prospective conquests and what those prospective conquests are going to do for them. Marcus Cooper Jr., the 17-year-old son of R&B singer and former Pretty Rick member Pleasure P, is wanted by authorities in connection with the murder of a man in Florida. Makin Music Lyrics by Pretty Ricky at Lyrics On Demand. Officially the group’s third album, following the leaked and subsequently shelved Eighties Babies, Pretty Ricky does not offer much in the way of development or maturity. Now featuring Lingerie, a former superfan who replaces the gone-solo Pleasure P, Pretty Ricky take another step toward autonomy on their self-titled album, produced entirely by member Diamond Blue.